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Certification Prep Skills Workshops

For many people who are seeking certification it can be overwhelming to step into a Standards certification clinic without adequate preparation. The clinic process can be intense and it requires that an individual already have a good handle on instructing groups of riders. Many find it beneficial to hire a CHA clinician to teach a one or two day preparation workshop. During this time students will have a chance to learn the requirements for certification. They receive hands-on practice teaching and learn about how clinic staff evaluate their abilities during certification. This is especially recommended for those with little actual teaching or instructing experience.

Discipline Specific Skills Workshops

CHA certifies excellent instructors and clinicians. There are many talented individuals with a wealth of knowledge on a wide range of topics. If you are looking for a guest clinician, presenter, instructor, or speaker please contact a regional director on our connect page. You can also post to the message board. 

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